JAGGAER Spend Analytics
Identify savings opportunities and grow revenue with an analytics solution that provides actionable insights across all spend
One software platform to understand your spend and increase your savings.
Provide your organization with new insights to find savings, generate new revenue and strengthen your supply chain. Discover how our spend analysis tool and digital solutions can revamp your procurement processes.
A system that will be used by many people needs to be simple, transparent and intuitive.
Leo Grenz Project Manager, Procurement, Europe
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Gain immediate and quantifiable improvements with expert solutions.
View the past and manage the present with Spend Analytics.
Spend Analytics is only one piece of a comprehensive spend management suite. Manage, track and analyze all your data on one intelligent platform. 
Supplier Management
Maintain full visibility of a supplier’s performance within your spend data for optimal analytics.
View detailed spend data at the transaction level to identify savings opportunities.
Contract-compliant purchasing guides the buyer to the right supplier, price and terms.
Automate AP processes so procurement teams can focus on strategic initiatives.